BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

April 2019

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Commander Kellie’s Corner 24/7—The New Reality This year is really flying by, Superkid! And that is why we are going to live our lives so on purpose that every hour counts for Jesus and His kingdom (His plans, His ways, His purpose). That sounds great, doesn’t it? But if we don’t stop and think about what it REALLY means to give ourselves to Him every hour AND in every situation, time and life will get away from us. So, this month, we are going to stop and think it through. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We want to belong to Jesus ALL the time—not MOST of the time, or just on Sunday, or every day except when you stay at a friend’s house, or while you are at school. All the time means ALL the time. Anchoring your life to Jesus changes how you live. When we get used to making our own decisions, we can forget to talk to Him every day about what we should be doing—not just about the big things, but the little things too. It’s easy to fall into the habit of calling on Him when we need something, instead of walking and talking with Him 24/7. This can open the door to what I call the GOLDEN MICROPHONE SYNDROME. What do I mean by that? The golden microphone syndrome is when our idea of serving Jesus is a perfect church life. And ministry is about talking to others, preferably with a microphone in hand, when it’s easy: When you are the lead part in the church musical or the one chosen to pray over the offering. Or, when someone ASKED you to tell them about Jesus, and really listened and wanted to ask Him into their heart when you finished witnessing. Don’t misunderstand, I love those times! Not only do you get to share Jesus, but you feel special too when you can change someone’s life by sharing the best kept secret in the world—JESUS! This is when it’s easy to serve Jesus and be a witness for Him. What about school, with friends, watching TV, or when you are angry, hurt or upset about something? What then? What takes over in your thoughts? Who’s in charge when it’s time for chores or schoolwork; when it’s playtime or free time? I am describing your everyday normal life. Is Jesus still getting your attention? “Commander, what’s gotten you so stirred up?” I recently had a revelation of a scripture I have read a certain way my whole life. Let’s read it together (with my comments): Second Timothy 2:19, "The Passion Translation" says, “But the firm foundation of God has written upon it these two inscriptions: ‘The Lord God recognizes those who are truly his!’” Yay! I do belong to Him! and, “‘Everyone who worships the name of the Lord Jesus must forsake wickedness!’” For you, Superkid, this means to reject any twisted version of what Jesus has planned for your life. He has called you with a definite purpose. Be a Pure Container of Christ “In a palace you find many kinds of containers and tableware for many different uses. Some are beautifully inlaid with gold or silver, but some are made of wood or earthenware; some of them are used for banquets and special occasions, and some for everyday use” (verse 20). Superkid, this is where my understanding of walking with Jesus shifted. I had understood that I should always act pure to be a golden vessel, set apart for special occasions to be used by Jesus. But look at the next part, “some for everyday use.” Then it hit me: If I think about life with Jesus like this, I will just be looking to serve Him in the special occasions that seem to shine a light on me, not serving Him in my everyday moments. His point is clearly stated next. “But you, Timothy, must not see your life and ministry this way. Your life and ministry must not be disgraced, for you are to be a pure container of Christ and dedicated to the honorable purposes of your Master, prepared for every good work that he gives you to do” (verse 21). Though purity in our actions is important, our goal is not to be a special container trying to be pure, but a PURE JESUS container, DEDICATED to WHATEVER job He has for us on ANY day! To be His 24/7, ready for the golden microphone or the dirtiest, most thankless job or task He would like us to do. Especially honorable is keeping your mind on Him and your container (YOU) filled with His Presence, ready for EVERY GOOD WORK that He gives you to do. Purity is not based on what YOU do, but on your being filled up with HIM. His presence in our lives will begin to purify OUR DESIRES AND ACTIONS. You are a PURE CONTAINER OF JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF. Wow. What an honor that is, whether flashy and amazing or just living your everyday life, you are serving Jesus and serving HIM to others, like a waiter in a restaurant. In fact, if you just work hard at being pure, you will never actually be pure. But if you live your life as ONE with Jesus, always filled up with Him, allowing His purity to be yours, you will be set apart for His honorable use, no matter what that may be. Now, the first verse of 2 Timothy 2 makes more sense to me. “Timothy, my dear son, live your life empowered by God’s free-flowing grace, which is your true strength, found in the anointing of Jesus and your union with him!” I challenge you to read Chapters 1 and 2 with your own 24/7 life in mind. As we close, let’s repeat our confession for this year, reaffirming our gift to Jesus: “This is my gift to You, Jesus. I give You ME! My life, my thoughts, 24/7, every beat of my heart, my skill, my talent, my good and my bad, my strengths and my weaknesses, I give to You now. My gift will be just as daily as Yours is, Jesus. If I begin to hold anything back from You, please show me and I will give it back.” Superkid, today is special because it’s the only TODAY there will ever be. You and Jesus go make it special. Commander Kellie, out. Kellie Copeland is responsible for Covenant Partner Relations at Kenneth Copeland Ministries and is the developer of the Superkid Academy curriculum. Through her ministry and as “Commander Kellie,” she fulfills the mission of drawing people of all ages into a personal, growing and powerful relationship with Jesus Christ. BVOV : 31

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